
It is possible to specify, which kind of data is acceptable for an action input via the "Options | Input". This option allows prompting the user only actions compatible with particular data type (e.g. image or URL) in Action Extension, "Open with", Paste or "Open Shared Data" commands. For example, an action working with photos should have the "Input" = "Photo".

By default, action's output will be returned to the host app, potentially changing shared data. To avoid this (if it's not desired) the action's "Output (Extension)" property should be turned OFF.


If some tasks are grouped together by their goal and they should share the same data - you  may specify that those tasks are belong to the same Family via the "Options | Family".


Tags allow to simplify action's finding and discovery either via actions search or "Add | Actions by Tag" list. You can specify comma-delimited list of Tags via the "Options | Tags". It is recommended to check list of existing tags first to avoid introducing unwanted tags just by typing possibly misspelled words.


It is possible to specify action's Description via the "Options | Description". If you want to share an action with other people then you should specify the description. This would allow other people to better understand what those action does.

Short UID

Alloy allows launching its actions from other apps using URL Schemes. To achieve that, a correct action URL should be formed and opened. The simplest form of action URL is alloy://<actionUID> where actionUID is action's unique identifier. Sample URL would be:


To make action URLs more simple and human readable it is possible to specify short UID for an action via the "Options | Short UID". In that case sample URL would be as simple as:


Test URL

Some actions may require presence of particular app in the device. Such actions can be accessed via the "Add | Actions for Installed App" list. To setup such an action a URL corresponding to that app should be specified via the "Options | Test URL".


This option allows defining input and output arguments can be utilized when this action called from another action using a "Launch Action" task.

Version and Author

These options define action's version and author information.

Include in Favorites

This option defines whether the action should be presented in Favorites. You can turn this option OFF to avoid certain test or sample actions to be shown in Favorites.

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