Input None
Output None

This task adds or updates a glance group. Task's properties define properties of glance group to be created:

Orientation: defines direction for laying out glance's items. It can ve either Vertical or Horizontal

H. Align: defines horizontal alignment for glance's items. It can be either Leading, Center or Trailing

V. Align: defines vertical alignment for glance's items. It can be either Leading, Center or Trailing

Spacing: defines spacing between glance's items.

Inset: defines inset between glance's bounds and its items.

Fill: defines how to calculate a dimension (width for Vertical orientation or height for Horizontal one) for each item. The other dimension will always correspond to item's fit size.

Width: defines width in percents each item should occupy (applicable for Horizontal orientation only)

Show Divider: defines whether to show dividers between glance's items.

Show for Icon Size: defines action icon sizes the glance should be shown for.

Workflow: defines a workflow associated with glance group. If workflow is defined - glance group will be rendered as a button. When the user taps this button a corresponding workflow will be launched. It is possible to define the arguments to be passed to a workflow when it's launched.

See also:
Common Task Attributes
Task Options
Variable Types