Input Text
Output None

This task adds a text item to the glance. Task's properties define properties of glance text to be created:

Text: text to be added; input by default.

Style: style for the text.

Color: color for the text. Use the Auto value to let Alloy assign color according to environment.

Sem Transparent: defines whether text should be semi-transparent. Turn it ON to render text that blends to the background.

Align: text alignment.

Inset: inset for the text

Wrap Lines: specifies that text should be wrapped. If this option is OFF - text will be trancated.

Lines: defines max number of lines can be occupied by the text if the Warp Lines option is ON. If this value is left blank - unlimited number of lines can be rendered.

Insert on Top: specifies that this item should be inserted on top of other items in the group.

Max Count: specifies the max number of items allowed in the group. When reaching that limit:

See also:
Common Task Attributes
Task Options
Variable Types