Input None
Output None

This task defines tasks to transfer control to from its "Switch" task. Case expression can be:
- variable e.g. code
- value e.g. 12
- macro e.g. $(code)$(number)
- range in form n..m e.g. 2..10

It is possible to define a case having multiple values - list them using comma as a delimiter.

For example, to make a case handling numbers from 1 to 5, from 10 to 20 and greater than 100 define it as 1..5,10..20,100..

To make a Default Case, which handles values unhandled by other cases - leave the case expression blank.

To add a Case task to a Switch - tap to the block's end "} +" row or move a Case there using drag&drop.

See also:
"Switch" Task Attributes
Common Task Attributes
Task Options
Variable Types