Input (Files) Array
Output (Selection Out) single value or an Array depending on "Single Selection" property

The task prompts the user to make choice by showing a list of files and allowing single or multiple selection. For each file in the list an icon corresponding to the file’s type is shown.

The following are "Choice - Files" task properties:

Selection In: initial selection

Folder: condition that defines what file is considered to be a folder. Check the Predicate Format Syntax article for the description of condition format.

Style: specifies layout for each choice. Possible values are:

- Basic: shows title only.
- Sub Title: shows subtitle on bottom
- Right Title: shows subtitle on the right
- Auto: automatic layout depending on actual choice type

File Name: optional macro expression that defines title for a choice. Use a self variable to denote a single file and then specify property(s) to form a title. For example, $(self.path.lastPathComponent) defines that last path component for each file should be shown as file's name.

Single Selection: specifies that only single choice can be made.

See also:
Common Task Attributes
Task Options
Variable Types