Input a String or URL
Output a Data

This task allows to post, get or delete data from passed URL. See "Action Directory/All Actions/Samples/Dropbox Browser" for a sample.

The following are "HTTP Request" task properties:

Method: a desired action to be performed. Most common methods are: POST, GET and DELETE.

Header: HTTP header fields. Each header field definition must occupy one line; use either '=' or ':' as the name/value delimiter. For example:

Authorization=ApiKey user:password

Binary Body: specifies whether Body is binary data vs. textual one.

Body: the data (payload) should transmitted in a HTTP transaction message. The data should be either text (macro) or variable (if the "Binary Data" is ON).

Authentication: provides authentication information like user and password require to get access to protected resources.

- Timeout: specifies timeout in seconds.
- Skip Error Messages: specifies whether the task should be finished (failed) without showing any errors.

See also:
Common Task Attributes
Task Options
Variable Types