String represent textual content. The following are properties supported for String.

Property Type Description
uppercaseString String string converted to uppercase
lowercaseString String string converted to lowercase
capitalizedString String string with all words converted to title case
clippedString String string clipped to have max 32 characters
length int number of characters in string
lastPathComponent String last path component, usually a file name or folder
stringByDeletingLastPathComponent String string made by deleting last path component. Can be used to obtain full path of a file
pathExtension String string representing file extension
stringByDeletingPathExtension String string made by deleting path extension
domain String second-level domain like if string represents an URL
remoteFolder String full path of a file downloaded from remote Cloud service
tokenName String name of a token e.g. "Kate Bell" for a token "Kate Bell<555-345-5678>" 
tokenValue String value of a token e.g. "555-345-5678" for a token "Kate Bell<555-345-5678>"
urlDecode String URL decoded string
urlEncode String URL encoded string
intValue int integer value
floatValue float float value
doubleValue double double value
asMap Map parsed Map representation, using "=" as key/value delimiter and new line as entry delimiter
asJSON Map or Array parsed JSON representation
base64Encode String base64 encoded representation
parseTaskPaper Array parsed TaskPaper representation
lines Array converts multi-line text to array of lines

See also:
Variable Types
Action Environment
Tasks and Workflows

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