Input String(s)
Output String(s) or particular type depending on function

This task allows to to convert passed text using various functions. The following functions are available:

  1. To Upper Case: convert text to upper case
  2. To Lower Case: convert text to lower case
  3. To Title Case: convert text to title case
  4. Search and Replace: search/replace text 
  5. Regex Search and Replace: search/replace text using Regex expression
  6. Clean HTML: clean HTML text by stripping all HTML tags
  7. Surround with: surround text with some other text. I is possible to surround with different texts on the right an don the left by specifying "Surround" as two-parts text delimited by comma. For example, to surround text with braces - use "(,)".
  8. Join: join input lines using some delimiter, optionally surrounding each line with some text
  9. Split: split text to lines using some delimiter
  10. Split to Array: split text to an Array using some delimiter
  11. Split to Dictionary: split text to a Dictionary using entry (name-value) and line delimiters
  12. URL Encode: convert text to URL Encoded form
  13. URL Decode: convert URL Encoded text to a text
  14. Parse URL Query: parse URL Query and converts it to a Dictionary
  15. Parse JSON: parse text in JSON format and converts it to either an Array or a Dictionary according to parsed data
  16. Markdown to HTML: converts text in Markdown format to HTML 
  17. Append: append text with another text
  18. Prepend: prepend text with another text
  19. Contents of File: reads contents of a file identified by passed text and returns it as a Data

See also:
Common Task Attributes
Task Options
Variable Types