An Action represents work need to be done on the user request; it would be considered as a mini app or an applet. Actions would be as simple as just launching some apps or as complex as launching big workflows involving the user input, some system, and Cloud services.

Any action is represented on the screen by action icon and action caption.

Action Icon

Action icon forms the most of visual representation of an action. To change Action Icon - tap on it.


Action caption defines human readable representation of an action. It may be either static plain text or dynamic text built using macros.

Pin to Favorites

It is possible pin action to always appear in Favorites by taping the button at the left of Action Icon.


Entire action activity is represented by a workflow consisting of a list of tasks. Task is a minimal piece of work needs to be done. Each task can obtain or modify some data, gather the user input or present some data to the user. Workflow is performed by executing one task per time, each task after another; output from a task goes to input of following one (aka. piping). Workflow (by default) stops if any task is failed due to an error or the user cancelled workflow's execution. 

Each action can contain several workflows that cover different aspects of action. To add a workflow - tap the "Add Workflow" button. The following workflows are supported:

To manage workflows - use swipe left gesture. There it is possible to delete, toggle enabled state or reorder Menu workflows.


Each action contains lots of options that describe action itself and its behaviour. That options include description, tags, input types etc.


Each action can be run on schedule to automate scheduled or repetitive activities.


Each action can be launched when entering/leaving some locations.


It is possible to enable logging for an action to simplify debugging.


It is possible to check which resources are required for each action and control access to them.

Next > Action Icon