Array (aka. list) represents ordered collection of elements. The following are properties and operators supported for Array.

Property Type Description
@count int number of elements in array. For example, to get locations count - use locations.@count
accesses arrays's element by its index. Index can be either integer value or a variable. For example, locations[0] accesses first location in the locations array; locations[index] accesses a location at index specified by index variable.  If variable is not an array - [] operator will be ignored. If index is not an integer or index is out of arrays's bounds - [] operator returns no result.
+<array> Array appends an element to an array. + is a prefix operator and it must be used for out variables only. For example, if you need to append an array with newly obtained location, you should put +locations as "Get Location" task's out variable.  If variable is not an array (e.g. a string), it will be transformed to a list containing that string element and then a new element will be added.
@asJSON String formatted JSON representation
@reverseArray Array a new array containing all elements in reverse order
@firstObject Object fist element of array
@lastObject Object last element of array
@anyObject Object any randomly-selected element of array
@asString String textual representation of array where each element occupies one line

See also:
Variable Types
Action Environment
Tasks and Workflows

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