Date represents a single point in time. The following are properties of Date.

Property Type Description
year int year value
month int month value
day int day value
weekday int weekday value - number from 1 through N (where for the Gregorian calendar N=7 and 1 is Sunday).
weekOfMonth int week of month value
hour int hour value
minute int minute value
second int second value
incOneDay Date new date incrementing one day
incOneMonth Date new date incrementing one month
inOneYear Date new date incrementing one year
isToday BOOL checks if the date is today
isTomorrow BOOL checks if the date is tomorrow
isThisDay BOOL checks is the date's day is equal to current date's day
isNextDay BOOL checks is the date's day is equal to current date's day+1
isThisWeek BOOL checks is the date's weekday is equal to current date's weekday
isNextWeek BOOL checks is the date's weekday is equal to current date's weekday+1
isThisMonth BOOL checks is the date's month is equal to current date's month
isNextMonth BOOL checks is the date's month is equal to current date's month+1
isThisYear BOOL checks is the date's year is equal to current date's year
isNextYear BOOL checks is the date's year is equal to current date's year+1

See also:
Variable Types
Action Environment
Tasks and Workflows

Next > Event